Anne of Green Gables follows the misadventures of a wildly independent orphan with fiery red hair and a temper to match. She is mistakenly sent to live with a plainspoken farmer and his spinster sister, who thought they were adopting a boy!  She wins over the Cuthberts and all of Prince Edward Island with her irrepressible spirit and imagination and wins over audiences with this warm, poignant story about love, home and family. Cherished by generations, L.M. Montgomery’s timeless classic comes to life in this play written by Don Harron, music by Norman Campbell.

Saturday, April 5th, 2024 - 1:30 PM (MATINEE) BACK TO ALL DATES

Ticket Selection
Select seats by clicking on available seats in the seat map. Select ticket type (Adult/ Youth). Add to order.

Accessible Seating:
The seating plan shows two accessible seats. If these are already booked, or if you require accessible seating elsewhere in the hall, please e-mail [email protected] or phone 705-326-7351, ext. 7. You will be asked to leave a message and we will return your call to accommodate your request. 

Group Rates:
Group rates are available for groups of 30+. Contact for details.
E-mail: [email protected].  Phone: 705-326-7351 (ext 7)

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